
Environmental education for the young since 2003:
The waterhouse is a project of the Hohe Tauern National Park Tyrol. Children and grown-ups are encouraged to discover and to make experiences with water.
We offer one to five day programmes. The courses consist of interdisciplinary lessons and experimental learning about water, the weather and our climate.
We create awareness for vital functions of water, its preservation and sustainable use.
The seminar house has four workrooms and a library.
A virtual globe in the cinema room shows the development concerning water and
climate on our planet. Flowing fresh water near our field microscope station ensures  the opportunity to closely explore animals and plants.

Take a closer look at our work:
The waterhouse has been built as a home location for the mobile waterschool and is a project of the Hohe Tauern National Park Tyrol. Children throughout Europe can discover many aspects of water.
Learning about water, climate and sustainability takes place in exploring nature as well as in social interacting. At the same time children and grown-ups are encouraged to discover the miracles of water individually and independently.
By creating awareness for the vital functions of water, today’s problems, its
preservation and sustainable use, the courses will sensitize for the topic water. Our waterschool teachers provide material which illustrates the importance of water and the need of a sustainable lifestyle on a regional, national and global level.

We are well equipped:
The waterhouse includes a conference room, a laboratory for chemistry and physics, ten computer working stations, microscopes and a library. One major attraction in the
waterhouse is the Vision Globe, a virtual globe which shows examples of past,
present and future development concerning water and climate on our planet.
In our garden, there are two ponds an a small stream. Our participants can research small animals in the covered field microscope station right after the catch. We offer
“water projects” with a one to five day program for school groups, students and
teachers. Our National Park Rangers guide groups of up to 15 people and teach
according to the waterschool concept.

 „If you didn‘t get wet in the waterhouse, you missed something!“

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our programs
for school children

Troughout the year, we suggest different programs:

Water – Life and habitat in a mountain creek (zoological investigation and water physics)

Global Water Cycle, Weather and Climate (with our Vision Globe)

Water Consumption – globally and locally

Chemical water analysis

Water in the forest

Snowshoe hiking and animal tracing – a winter experience

Water – Art and Creativity

Different hiking trails – exploring nature with the National Park Ranger

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Haus des Wassers

Wasser - Klima - Nachhaltigkeit

Mitten im Wasserschloss Europas

steht das Umweltbildungszentrum

des Nationalparks Hohe Tauern Tirol:

Treffpunkt für die forschende Jugend


gebuchte Module

der Schulklassen im Haus:

9:00 - 12:00 Uhr & 13:30 - 16:30 Uhr

oder wie im Programmvorschlag



für Buchungen erreichbar von

Montag bis Freitag 09:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Tel.: +43 (0) 664 2516140

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Hier finden Sie uns:

Haus des Wassers

Nationalpark Hohe Tauern Tirol

Oberrotte 110

9963 St. Jakob in Defereggen


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